Истории успеха наших клиентов
Познакомьтесь с компаниями, похожими на вашу, которые уже успешно используют PRTG.
Май 2024
Paessler PRTG enables Noblecom Technology to enhance their network observability
Декабрь 2023
Riverford Organic Farmers trusts Paessler PRTG to keep produce fresh for 50,000 weekly vegetable boxes
Октябрь 2023
Banca Profilo si affida al monitoraggio con Paessler PRTG per salvaguardare le proprie infrastrutture critiche
Октябрь 2023
Banca Profilo relies on monitoring with Paessler PRTG to safeguard its critical infrastructure
Октябрь 2023
Paessler PRTG enables Dayton Children’s Hospital to focus on patients, not technology problems
Октябрь 2023
Making complex IT landscapes at KTR Systems understandable with Paessler PRTG and Qbilon
Октябрь 2023
Komplexe IT-Landschaften bei KTR Systems verständlich machen mit Paessler PRTG und Qbilon
Март 2023
La surveillance informatique avec Paessler PRTG sécurise les opérations quotidiennes du port de Douala
Март 2023
IT monitoring with Paessler PRTG secures the Port of Douala's day-to-day operations
Февраль 2023
HammondCare uses Paessler PRTG for the proactive monitoring of its healthcare IT infrastructure
Январь 2023
Trasmed protects its critical systems with the help of Paessler PRTG and Nunsys
Январь 2023
Trasmed protege sus sistemas críticos con cibertecnología de Paessler PRTG de la mano de Nunsys
Декабрь 2022
Integrated Precision Systems triples its business growth using Paessler PRTG
Декабрь 2022
F.T.P. si affida a PRTG di Paessler per servizi di monitoraggio ad alte prestazioni
Ноябрь 2022
Hospital El Pilar provides the best professional care to its patients with the help of Paessler PRTG
Ноябрь 2022
El Hospital El Pilar ofrece la mejor atención profesional a sus pacientes con la ayuda de Paessler PRTG
Октябрь 2022
Paessler PRTG eignet sich perfekt für das Monitoring des Industrial Automation DataCenters von Siemens
Октябрь 2022
Paessler PRTG unterstützt windCORES beim Betrieb grüner Rechenzentren in Windrädern
Октябрь 2022
Paessler PRTG supports windCORES in operating green data centers in wind turbines
Октябрь 2022
Paessler PRTG is perfectly suited for monitoring the Industrial Automation DataCenter from Siemens
Сентябрь 2022
Paessler PRTG sichert die Telemetrie-Lösung von DKV Mobility für das Flottenmanagement
Сентябрь 2022
Paessler PRTG secures DKV Mobility's telemetry solution for fleet management
Сентябрь 2022
ASAC Comunicaciones improves their service to customers with Paessler PRTG
Июнь 2022
SE3 ofrece Paessler PRTG como solución para supervisar el tratamiento de aguas residuales
Июнь 2022
Das Leiden University Medical Center therapiert sein Krankenhaus-IT-System erfolgreich mit Paessler PRTG
Июнь 2022
Leiden University Medical Center successfully treats its hospital IT system with Paessler PRTG
Июнь 2022
Paessler PRTG und CowManager sorgen für mehr Wohlergehen der Kühe & mehr Effizienz in der Viehwirtschaft
Июнь 2022
Paessler PRTG and CowManager improve cow welfare & efficiencies in livestock farming
Март 2022
Paessler PRTG schafft großen Mehrwert für gemeinnützige Organisation VID University
Февраль 2022
The Ritz London profitiert von einer besseren Sichtbarkeit seiner IT-Systeme & Gebäude mit Paessler PRTG
Январь 2022
The Ritz London benefits from clearer visibility of their IT systems & buildings with Paessler PRTG
Декабрь 2021
Acurus goes for real-time monitoring with Paessler PRTG for its fully managed national private network
Декабрь 2021
Paessler PRTG supports the Carbon Drawdown Initiative in generating negative emissions
Декабрь 2021
Paessler PRTG helps ALYN Hospital save lives by monitoring ventilated children
Декабрь 2021
Paessler PRTG unterstützt die Carbon Drawdown Initiative bei der Erzeugung negativer Emissionen
Октябрь 2021
Truma secures its production, business processes, and IT with Derdack and Paessler PRTG
Октябрь 2021
Paessler PRTG helped the University of Mosul deliver online learning during the pandemic
Сентябрь 2021
Truma sichert IT, Produktion und Geschäftsabläufe mit Paessler PRTG und Derdack
Июль 2021
Paessler PRTG is the life blood of the EFS’s IT infrastructure in the Grand Est region of France
Июль 2021
Paessler PRTG est le moteur de l'infrastructure informatique de l'EFS dans la région du Grand Est en France
Июль 2021
Paessler PRTG is the backbone of IENTC’s high-quality internet and telephony service
Июль 2021
Paessler PRTG es la columna vertebral del servicio de telefonía e Internet de alta calidad del IENTC
Июль 2021
Mais Dados Digital adota Paessler PRTG para garantir a continuidade dos negócios
Июнь 2021
The Pontifical Catholic University benefits from the predictive view that Paessler PRTG offers
Июнь 2021
La Pontificia Universidad Católica se beneficia de la visión predictiva que ofrece Paessler PRTG
Июнь 2021
A Pontifícia Universidade Católica se beneficia da visão preditiva que o Paessler PRTG oferece
Апрель 2021
BBS Holzminden relies on monitoring with Paessler PRTG for school digitalization
Апрель 2021
BBS Holzminden setzt bei der Schuldigitalisierung auf Monitoring mit Paessler PRTG
Апрель 2021
Университетская больница Йены: 12000 сенсоров обеспечивают бесперебойное медицинское обслуживание пациентов
Март 2021
Process Automation Solutions brings advanced monitoring functions to IT/OT networks with Paessler PRTG
Март 2021
The School District of Pickens County uses Paessler PRTG to keep students & teachers in a remote learning environment productive
Март 2021
Paessler PRTG cares for each IT element vital for the nursing staff at LNA Santé
Март 2021
ENGIE Solutions überwacht seine großen IT- und IoT-Infrastrukturen mit Paessler PRTG
Февраль 2021
ENGIE Solutions monitors its large IT and IoT infrastructure with Paessler PRTG
Январь 2021
ENGIE Solutions surveille son importante infrastructure informatique et IoT avec Paessler PRTG
Январь 2021
Kennedy Industries sorgt mit Hilfe von Paessler PRTG für verfügbares und sauberes Wasser
Декабрь 2020
Kennedy Industries ensures available and clean water with the help of Paessler PRTG
Декабрь 2020
Paessler PRTG prend en charge chaque élément informatique vital pour le personnel infirmier de LNA Santé
Ноябрь 2020
Green Olive Tree uses Paessler PRTG to punch above its weight and keep clients online
Октябрь 2020
Paessler PRTG sichert nicht nur die Internetverbindung, sondern auch das Angelwetter bei TAFJORD
Сентябрь 2020
Clair Global and Paessler PRTG make music festivals a great live experience
Август 2020
Abu Dhabi University ensures its IT network gets top marks with Paessler PRTG
Июль 2020
Paessler PRTG checks in all distributed hotels of The Social Hub in a central monitoring overview
Июль 2020
Paessler PRTG not only ensures internet connectivity but also fishing weather at TAFJORD
Июль 2020
For Primus TI, Paessler PRTG is the best employee for monitoring data centers
Июль 2020
Para a Primus TI, o Paessler PRTG é o melhor funcionário para monitorar data centers
Июль 2020
With Paessler PRTG, Silent4Business meets the high availability that their client’s business demands
Июль 2020
Con Paessler PRTG, Silent4Business satisface la alta disponibilidad que exige el negocio de sus clientes
Июнь 2020
NOVIGADO Global scans the national electronic toll network of highways in Mexico with Paessler PRTG
Июнь 2020
NOVIGADO Global escanea la red nacional de telepeaje de las autopistas de México con Paessler PRTG
Июнь 2020
Skyscanner si affida a PRTG Network Monitor per ottimizzare i flussi di lavoro
Май 2020
Cyngor Gwynedd Council keeps critical government services up and running with Paessler PRTG
Апрель 2020
Paessler PRTG y Central 24 Horas agilizan el servicio de ambulancias de emergencia en Río de Janeiro
Апрель 2020
Paessler PRTG and Central 24 Horas streamline the emergency ambulance service in Rio de Janeiro
Апрель 2020
Paessler PRTG offers leading IT performance for a leader in cancer treatment, Canopy Cancer Care
Апрель 2020
Network management at Quaker Houghton runs smoothly thanks to Paessler PRTG
Март 2020
Paessler PRTG e Central 24 Horas agilizam o serviço de ambulância de emergência no Rio de Janeiro
Март 2020
Pen manufacturer Prodir signs over Europe-wide IT monitoring to Paessler PRTG
Март 2020
Kugelschreiber-Produzent Prodir überschreibt europaweites IT-Monitoring an Paessler PRTG
Март 2020
SmartStep chooses Paessler PRTG as the centralized monitoring solution for its hybrid infrastructure
Март 2020
SmartStep wählt Paessler PRTG als zentrale Anlaufstation für das Monitoring seiner hybriden Infrastruktur
Март 2020
Smart city with SMIGHT: Paessler PRTG monitors globally distributed multifunctional towers
Март 2020
Smart City mit SMIGHT: Paessler PRTG überwacht international verteilte Multifunktionsmasten
Март 2020
Paessler PRTG uses DICOM to monitor the distributed infrastructure of LAKUMED Kliniken
Март 2020
Paessler PRTG überwacht verteilte Infrastruktur der LAKUMED Kliniken via DICOM
Февраль 2020
At Jena University Hospital, Paessler PRTG ensures uninterrupted patient care
Февраль 2020
An der Uniklinik Jena sichert Paessler PRTG die uneingeschränkte Patientenversorgung
Январь 2020
Paessler PRTG weaves a textile factory’s IT infrastructure at Skytex Group
Декабрь 2019
Adani Electricity and Paessler PRTG ensure uninterrupted power supply for Mumbai
Октябрь 2019
CLICK-into gets a holistic view of their Infrastructure-as-a-Service offer with Paessler PRTG
Август 2019
Крупная российская компания «Август» использует систему мониторинга ИТ-инфраструктуры PRTG
Июль 2019
Paessler PRTG monitors the sweet spots in the IT infrastructure of Carambar & Co
Июль 2019
Paessler PRTG surveille les points forts de l'infrastructure IT de Carambar & Co
Июль 2019
Paessler PRTG cartographie le réseau informatique et les géoservices d'Esri France
Июль 2019
HybrIT Services is able to let every customer matter thanks to Paessler PRTG
Июнь 2019
Soenen Golfkarton keeps their corrugated cardboard production under control with Paessler PRTG
Май 2019
Paessler PRTG supports accelerator-based science & research at RIKEN Nishina Center
Февраль 2019
PRTG помогает предотвращать нештатные ситуации в ИТ-инфраструктуре группы «Мечел»
Февраль 2019
Uggerly Installation installed Paessler PRTG to save money and avoid ransomware
Февраль 2019
Monitoring clients across the U.S. is easy at Resolvit with Paessler PRTG
Декабрь 2018
Paessler PRTG teje la infraestructura informática de una fábrica textil en Grupo Skytex
Декабрь 2018
CDT Latam keeps an eye on its facial recognition cameras with Paessler PRTG
Ноябрь 2018
Monitoring mit Paessler PRTG verhilft einem kleinen Team bei BAUER zu einem großen Überblick
Ноябрь 2018
Monitoring with Paessler PRTG helps a small team at BAUER get a big overview
Ноябрь 2018
Paessler PRTG and Sigfox protect UK’s tech legacy at The National Museum of Computing
Ноябрь 2018
Paessler PRTG solves Istituto Auxologico Italiano’s need for proactive network management
Ноябрь 2018
Paessler PRTG risolve l'esigenza di gestione proattiva della rete dell'Istituto Auxologico Italiano
Октябрь 2018
Paessler PRTG greatly reduced the operational costs at Globalia associated with monitoring
Октябрь 2018
Paessler PRTG redujo en gran medida los costes operativos de Globalia asociados a la supervisión
Сентябрь 2018
Fire Brigade Flemish-Brabant West extinguishes IT fires with Paessler RTG
Сентябрь 2018
Paessler PRTG provides cluster solution for fail-safe IT infrastructure monitoring at the University of Bern
Сентябрь 2018
Paessler PRTG bietet Clusterlösung für ausfallsicheres IT-Infrastruktur-Monitoring an der Universität Bern
Июнь 2018
Paessler PRTG helps Smooth Fusion meet the digital needs of today’s marketers
Июнь 2018
Dojo Networks and Paessler PRTG successfully fulfill the expectations of their customers’ tenants
Май 2018
Gris Group utilise Paessler PRTG pour surveiller son système d'information modernisé
Апрель 2018
Paessler PRTG helps security analyst Troy Mursch detect and prevent cryptojacking
Апрель 2018
Il Paessler PRTG aiuta a garantire la sicurezza delle operazioni di volo all'Aeroporto di Napoli
Март 2018
Swiss engineering specialist Bystronic monitors its global IT infrastructure with Paessler PRTG
Март 2018
Schweizer Maschinenbauspezialist Bystronic monitort seine globale IT-Infrastruktur mit Paessler PRTG
Февраль 2018
Network monitoring with Paessler PRTG is key to the modern, digitalized City of Airdrie
Февраль 2018
Paessler PRTG helps PET-Xi use education to break the cycle of disadvantage
Сентябрь 2017
Kennisnet keeps its finger on the pulse with Paessler PRTG even outside working hours
Март 2017
Paessler PRTG supports intelligent manufacturing in industrial environments at Bosch Rexroth
Март 2017
Paessler PRTG unterstützt intelligente Fertigung in Industrie-Umgebungen bei Bosch Rexroth
Январь 2017
Nap IT garante eficiência nos processos de negócios com a ajuda do Paessler PRTG
Январь 2017
Nap IT ensures efficiency in business processes with the help of Paessler PRTG
Ноябрь 2016
Die Hassia Gruppe trinkt auf Paessler PRTG für standortübergreifendes Monitoring
Ноябрь 2016
Mittelbayerischer Verlag keeps an overview of its distributed IT infrastructures with Paessler PRTG
Ноябрь 2016
Der Mittelbayerische Verlag überblickt mit Paessler PRTG seine lokal verteilte IT-Infrastrukturen
Май 2016
Paessler PRTG is the perfect response to arvato’s desire to simplify & unify monitoring
Май 2016
Paessler PRTG répond parfaitement à la volonté d'arvato de simplifier et d'unifier la surveillance
Май 2016
Seattle Pacific University keeps students and faculty running with Paessler PRTG
Март 2016
How Stadtwerke Frankenthal ensures the daily supply of energy by monitoring with Paessler PRTG
Март 2016
Wie die Stadtwerke Frankenthal durch Monitoring mit Paessler PRTG Energie für den Alltag sicherstellen
Февраль 2016
Beliveo prevents business-critical IT failures with the help of Paessler PRTG
Февраль 2016
Beliveo previene los fallos informáticos críticos para la empresa con la ayuda de Paessler PRTG
Ноябрь 2015
Unified monitoring with Paessler PRTG secures IT infrastructure for 5,000 students at Bauhaus University Weimar
Ноябрь 2015
Unified Monitoring mit Paessler sichert IT-Infrastruktur für 5000 Studenten an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Октябрь 2015
Paessler PRTG goes top of class for network monitoring at The Westgate School
Октябрь 2015
Lawyers at Trowers & Hamlins are always on the case thanks to Paessler PRTG
Июль 2015
The Private Hospital of Confluent uses Paessler PRTG to monitor its entire Hospital Information System
Июль 2015
L'Hôpital Privé du Confluent utilise Paessler PRTG pour surveiller l'ensemble de son système d'information hospitalier
Июнь 2015
Paessler PRTG and THW Emmendingen with the Pope and at the Southside Festival
Июнь 2015
Paessler PRTG mit dem THW Emmendingen beim Papst und auf dem Southside Festival
Июнь 2015
Weisser relies on monitoring with Paessler PRTG in their Industry 4.0 concept
Июнь 2015
Weisser setzt auf Monitoring mit Paessler PRTG als Baustein im Industrie 4.0-Konzept
Апрель 2015
Rotkäppchen-Mumm monitors its five IT locations centrally with Paessler PRTG
Февраль 2015
Visibility provided by Paessler PRTG drops customer support tickets to near zero at Total Uptime
Январь 2015
Networks of Littlebit Technology AG run like Swiss clockwork with Paessler PRTG
Январь 2015
Netzwerke der Littlebit Technology laufen mit Paessler PRTG wie Schweizer Uhrwerke
Декабрь 2014
Feinkost Dittmann expands Paessler PRTG monitoring to include manufacturing & merchandise management system
Декабрь 2014
Feinkost Dittmann erweitert sein Paessler PRTG Monitoring-Netz auf Warenwirtschaftssystem & Produktion
Декабрь 2014
Paessler PRTG hears even the slightest discords in the network of the Vienna Music Association
Декабрь 2014
Paessler PRTG hört die leisesten Misstöne im Netzwerk des Musikvereins Wien
Август 2014
The Urban Community of Saintes's computer network is under close surveillance with Paessler PRTG
Август 2014
Le réseau informatique de la Communauté d'agglomération de Saintes sous haute surveillance avec Paessler PRTG
Август 2014
Paessler PRTG helps Grupo Expansión provide information on the business and finance world
Август 2014
Paessler PRTG ayuda al Grupo Expansión a proporcionar información sobre el mundo empresarial y financiero
Август 2014
Paessler PRTG helps broadcast technology company Idonix deliver for Sochi Olympics TV coverage
Май 2014
Effective against gray hair: Basler relies on environmental monitoring by Kentix and Paessler PRTG
Май 2014
Gegen graue Haare: Basler vertraut Umgebungs-Monitoring von Kentix und Paessler PRTG
Май 2014
Paessler PRTG lets digitalized lessons at Oxford Spires continue with minimum disruption to the timetable
Апрель 2014
Auto parts manufacturer Truck-Lite secures the supply chain using Paessler PRTG
Март 2014
Gaming Grids’ online game tournament system stays versatile & reliable with Paessler PRTG
Февраль 2014
Paessler PRTG is the best choice for cooperative credit union system Sicoob
Февраль 2014
O Paessler PRTG é a melhor escolha para o sistema de cooperativas de crédito do Sicoob
Февраль 2014
aufeminin increases IT infrastructure stability & performance with Paessler PRTG
Февраль 2014
aufeminin augmente la stabilité et la performance de son infrastructure informatique avec Paessler PRTG
Ноябрь 2013
Paessler PRTG helps family-owned Covell Group provide world-class reliability
Сентябрь 2013
Fast-growing Forsyth County school system awards top marks for Paessler PRTG
Сентябрь 2013
Online backup pioneer NetMass backs up their infrastructure with Paessler PRTG
Сентябрь 2013
Musgrove Park Hospital reduces risk of patient care delays with Paessler PRTG
Август 2013
Colégio Albert Sabin bets on Paessler PRTG to consolidate an image of trust with their clients
Август 2013
Colégio Albert Sabin aposta no Paessler PRTG para consolidar uma imagem de confiança junto aos seus clientes
Июль 2013
Editions ENI creates It training tools with the help of the network monitoring tool Paessler PRTG
Июль 2013
Editions ENI crée des outils de formation informatique à l'aide de l'outil de surveillance de réseau Paessler PRTG
Июль 2013
Railroad operator ÖBB monitors business-critical services with Paessler PRTG
Май 2013
Sambonet Paderno Industrie chooses Paessler PRTG to monitor their industrial IT environment
Май 2013
Sambonet Paderno Industrie sceglie il Paessler PRTG per monitorare il proprio ambiente IT industriale
Март 2013
City government of Nördlingen uses professional monitoring software Paessler PRTG
Март 2013
Stadtverwaltung Nördlingen arbeitet mit professioneller Monitoring-Software Paessler PRTG
Январь 2013
Airport operator relies on professional network monitoring software Paessler PRTG
Январь 2013
Flughafenbetreiber setzt professionelle Network-Monitoring-Software Paessler PRTG ein
Декабрь 2012
The City of Grenoble monitors its urban IT infrastructure with Paessler PRTG
Декабрь 2012
La ville de Grenoble surveille son infrastructure informatique urbaine avec Paessler PRTG
Ноябрь 2012
Mast & support system specialist Europoles opts for network monitoring software Paessler PRTG
Ноябрь 2012
Spezialist für Trägersysteme Europoles implementiert Netzwerk-Monitoring-Software Paessler PRTG
Август 2012
APE Conseil chooses Paessler PRTG to proactively monitor its network infrastructure
Август 2012
APE Conseil choisit Paessler PRTG pour surveiller son infrastructure réseau de manière proactive
Август 2012
Doosan Group keeps North American data centers up and running with Paessler PRTG
Август 2012
O Grupo Doosan mantém os data centers da América do Norte em funcionamento com o Paessler PRTG
Июнь 2012
Hospital Center Saint-Quentin ensures the smooth operation of its entire healthcare IT infrastructure with Paessler PRTG
Июнь 2012
Le Centre Hospitalier de Saint-Quentin assure le bon fonctionnement de l'ensemble de son infrastructure informatique de santé avec Paessler PRTG
Июнь 2012
AVM Solutions looks to Paessler PRTG to enable flexible working models for its customers
Май 2012
Paessler PRTG keeps an eye on IT's circulatory system at Schüchtermann Klinik
Июнь 2011
12 points for the duet Riedel and Paessler PRTG at the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest
Июнь 2011
12 Punkte für das Duett Riedel und Paessler PRTG beim Eurovision Song Contest 2011
Апрель 2011
Paessler PRTG gives Compuquip a distinct advantage in the competitive MSP market
Март 2011
Riedel Communications starts with co-pilot Paessler PRTG at the Red Bull Air Race
Март 2011
Riedel Communications startet mit Co-Pilot Paessler PRTG beim Red Bull Air Race
Январь 2011
Paessler PRTG supports Tyler Technologies with real-time monitoring of government & financial services IT
Сентябрь 2010
IT team at 7-Eleven® franchiser Garb-Ko says ‘Oh thank heaven’® for Paessler PRTG
Июнь 2010
WMVision keeps an eye on the sky while Paessler PRTG keeps an eye on the network
Апрель 2010
Wire Technologies reliably delivers unified communications services to customers with Paessler PRTG
Март 2010
Paessler PRTG ensures access to education for thousands of students at Columbia Southern University
Февраль 2010
Wagner Solar focuses on the sun while keeping an eye on the IT network with Paessler PRTG
Февраль 2010
Wagner Solar hat die Sonne im Fokus und das IT-Netzwerk mit Paessler PRTG im Blick
Февраль 2010
Paessler PRTG helps ensure uninterrupted access to education on Class.com
Сентябрь 2009
Paessler PRTG helps producing Mediterranean delicacies at Feinkost Dittmann
Сентябрь 2009
Paessler PRTG unterstützt bei der Herstellung mediterraner Köstlichkeiten bei Feinkost Dittmann
Август 2009
Paessler PRTG helps Tri-County Technical College ensure 24/7 access to education
Июнь 2009
Haight Ashbury Medical Clinics realizes one-stop network optimization & monitoring with Paessler PRTG
Май 2009