Paessler PRTG

Next-level government
IT services & infrastructure

  • Central overview of both your Government 2.0 systems as well as your entire network
  • Full support and integration of common standards, protocols, and manufacturers
  • Reliable security, availability, and performance monitoring of e-government services



5 reasons why experts monitor government IT with PRTG

Modern e-government does more than streamlining processes with the help of digital resources – it also needs to integrate the demands of numerous stakeholders, many legal frameworks, and strict data protection rules. These requirements make it crucial to always keep an eye on government IT infrastructure.



  • Monitor network devices, applications, websites, data transfer, and more with a single tool
  • Collect and bring together monitoring data from various government sites in a central view
  • Easily integrate hard- & software from the most popular manufacturers – no vendor lock-in
  • Ensure that your network & sensitive data is secure and protected against malware attacks
  • Keep your costs in check with our highly transparent licensing and fair pricing

Hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide love Paessler PRTG

customer success stories


Government 2.0 challenges make government IT monitoring essential 

Both internal processes and citizen services highly depend on an available and high-performance network. In addition, critical government IT systems need to be error free, sensitive data needs to be protected, and attacks warded off. To address these challenges and make sure that government IT is reliable and secure, it is important to monitor your systems round the clock.

Collecting data from distributed locations

Whether it's the branch office of a public authority, a local authority in a regional district, or several public data centers: almost all IT departments of public institutions are faced with the task of managing and maintaining distributed locations.

This makes it crucial to be able to collect monitoring data from all these remote sites and send it in an encrypted form to a central monitoring solution, which analyzes and stores the data and sends alerts in case of an issue. 

Managing hybrid IT environments

Integrating branch offices, existing on-premises & cloud infrastructures, hardware and software, virtualization: networks of public institutions are heterogeneous, and interoperability is key.

Often, devices and applications offer their own monitoring tools, which results in a multitude of single solutions for the same task. Although these tools can provide some insights, they contribute little to an overview of the entire IT network like all-in-one monitoring tools.

Ensuring a reliable and secure IT infrastructure

Authorities and public institutions manage sensitive data of their citizens that need to be protected at all costs. Together with public utilities, local authorities ensure the supply of water, electricity, and gas. The local fire and police departments must always be ready for action.

All this can only be implemented with a highly reliable and secure IT landscape that integrates seamlessly with government IT security & data protection regulations.




What government IT monitoring looks like in PRTG

Diagnose issues with your e-government infrastructure by continuously monitoring your hardware, applications, bandwidth, availability, and more. Show monitoring data in real time and visualize it in graphic maps & dashboards to identify problems more easily. Gain the visibility you need to troubleshoot issues before they become critical.


Start monitoring your government IT systems with PRTG and see how it will make your job easier as well as your network and the transfer of sensitive data more secure.



Our users give top ratings for monitoring with Paessler PRTG



Why PRTG is the government IT monitoring tool of your choice

Ensure data integration from various sources

  • Easily integrate hardware & software from multiple manufacturers without vendor lock-in
  • Bring together data from multiple distributed locations
  • Enjoy support of all standard protocols or create custom integrations via the PRTG API


Guarantee data protection and network security


  • Monitor firewalls, virus scanners, backups, and more to make sure they do their job
  • Detect unusual activities that might indicate DDoS or other malware attacks
  • Rest assured that sensitive data is sent in encrypted form, secured via SSL/TLS


Keep license and maintenance costs in check


  • Get an all-in-one monitoring solution with highly transparent licensing & fair pricing
  • Analyze historical monitoring data as a basis for network optimization and capacity planning
  • Create custom reports for the management to account for necessary expenditures


Reduce the overall consumption of resources


  • Monitor communal wastewater treatment, energy production & smart city technology
  • Collect environmental, water, and energy usage data from IoT sensors in the entire city
  • Identify areas where you can reduce resource consumption most efficiently



Accessibility to e-government services empowers citizens, businesses & government agencies



The term e-government describes the use of technical resources to provide public services to citizens in a region or a whole country. This covers digital interactions between various stakeholders:

  • Government to Citizen (G2C): the online interaction between government agencies and private individuals, for example providing public e-services via websites and web portals
  • Citizen to Government (C2G): the online interaction between private individuals and government agencies to ensure that the information flow is two-way
  • Government to Business (G2B): the non-commercial online interaction between government agencies and the commercial business sector, for example, municipal websites that offer business best practices in the region
  • Business to Government (B2G): the commercial marketing of services and products to government agencies, not necessarily in online form
  • Government to Government (G2G): the online interaction between local, regional, and federal government agencies, departments, and authorities

Start monitoring your government IT systems with PRTG and see how it will make your job easier as well as your network and the transfer of sensitive data more secure.




“Excellent tool for detailed monitoring. Alarms and notifications work greatly. Equipment addition is straight forward and server initial setup is very easy. ...feel safe to purchase it if you intend to monitor a large networking landscape.”

Infrastructure and Operations Engineer in the Communications Industry, firm size 10B - 30B USD

Read the entire review at Gartner Peer Insights 


Success stories from our customers

Companies around the world trust Paessler PRTG when it comes to ensuring that their IT systems run smoothly.


city of airdrie

The City of Airdrie improves its municipality’s network with Paessler PRTG

Airdrie is a city in Alberta, Canada. The City of Airdrie deployed PRTG and today it’s considered a very strong asset for the team. Presently, more than 1,000 PRTG sensors are in use throughout the city’s network and report on everything from bandwidth consumption to the monitoring of broadband radio links and the disk space on servers including the corporate email and file servers.

Read full case study

City of Nördlingen

City government of Nördlingen uses professional monitoring software Paessler PRTG

Nördlingen is a city located in Bavaria, Germany. Its local government has offices in 15 locations around the city and 300 employees assist Nördlingen citizens with everyday administrative concerns. To optimize the quality of its services and ensure smooth-running operations between the various departments of the public institution, it keeps a constant eye on its IT network with the help of PRTG.

Read full case study



Fire brigade Flemish-Brabant West extinguishes network fires with Paessler PRTG

The Fire Brigade Flemish-Brabant West is responsible for the 24/7 protection of 600,000 inhabitants of the Brussels outskirts. This safety region consists of 9 fire stations, an administrative center and a warehouse, all spread over 33 municipalities. Its ICT team needs a clear overview of historical and current measurement results and data, like CPU load and bandwidth, which it collects with PRTG.

Read full case study


Create innovative solutions with Paessler’s partners

Partnering with innovative vendors, Paessler unleashes synergies to create
new and additional benefits for joined customers.


baramundi and PRTG create a secure, reliable and powerful IT infrastructure where you have everything under control - from the traffic in your firewall to the configuration of your clients.

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Asset visibility is a big problem for many IT teams. Not having an accurate inventory of tech assets is inefficient, costly and a potential security risk.

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Osirium’s experienced management team has an outstanding track record in cybersecurity and automation, establishing its headquarters near Reading, UK.

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Government IT monitoring: FAQ



1. What is e-government?

The term e-government describes the use of technical resources to provide public services to citizens in a region or a whole country. In principle, this covers all mutual relationships: It consists of the digital interactions between citizens and the government, between a central government and government agencies or regional institutions, between a government and its citizens, between the government and its employees, and finally, between government and businesses. E-government and Government 2.0 are sometimes used interchangeably, with Gartner defining the latter to have the following 7 characteristics. It

  • is citizen driven
  • is employee centric
  • keeps evolving
  • is transformational
  • requires a blend of planning and nurturing
  • needs pattern-based strategy capabilities
  • calls for a new management style

In the meantime, areas such as big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), administrative and business process management, blockchain, and sophisticated monitoring are all driving innovation in the public sector, creating improvements in service delivery, resource management, and decision making. This transformation is often referred to as Government 3.0

2. What is government IT monitoring?

Government IT monitoring refers to the process of overseeing and analyzing the IT systems and infrastructure used by government agencies. It involves the continuous surveillance and examination of various aspects of these systems, such as networks, servers, databases, applications, and user activities.

The primary goal of government IT monitoring is to ensure the efficiency, security, and proper functioning of the IT environment, while also maintaining compliance with relevant regulations and policies. Government IT monitoring is an essential part of maintaining a robust and secure IT infrastructure for public services, safeguarding sensitive data, and providing efficient and effective government operations.

3. What are government IT monitoring tools?

Government IT monitoring tools are designed to facilitate the monitoring and management of IT systems within government agencies. They play a crucial role in ensuring the performance, security, and compliance of the government's IT infrastructure. Government IT monitoring software typically provides a centralized platform for IT administrators and cybersecurity teams to monitor, analyze, and respond to various aspects of the IT environment, thus contributing to efficient and secure government operations.

4. Which features should government IT monitoring tools include?

Here are some key functions of government IT monitoring software:

  • Real-time monitoring: The software continuously monitors the health and performance of servers, networks, databases, applications, and other IT components in real-time. It gathers data on metrics such as CPU and memory usage, network bandwidth, response times, and application availability.
  • Event logging: The software maintains detailed logs of all activities and events within the IT environment, creating an audit trail for accountability and troubleshooting.
  • Security monitoring: Government IT monitoring software actively detects and alerts on security threats, intrusion attempts, malware, and other suspicious activities that could compromise data security and privacy.
  • Performance analytics: It analyzes historical and real-time data to identify performance trends, bottlenecks, and potential issues. This helps in capacity planning and optimizing resource allocation.
  • Incident management: The software facilitates the identification and management of IT incidents, streamlining the process of incident response and resolution.
  • Compliance and governance: It ensures that the government agency's IT systems adhere to relevant compliance requirements, industry standards, and internal policies.
  • Reporting and dashboards: The software provides customizable reports and intuitive dashboards to present performance and security insights visually, making it easier for administrators to understand and communicate the IT environment's status.
  • Alerts and notifications: It sends out alerts and notifications in real time when predefined thresholds are exceeded or when critical events occur, enabling prompt action to address potential issues.

5. What is a sensor in PRTG?

In PRTG, “sensors” are the basic monitoring elements. One sensor usually monitors one measured value in your network, for example the traffic of a switch port, the CPU load of a server, or the free space on a disk drive.

On average, you need about 5-10 sensors per device or one sensor per switch port.


Get more deep-dive information about monitoring government IT


Environmental and city monitoring in Coburg, Germany

Discover how the local energy supplier SÜC in cooperation with the network operator süc // dacor implemented a LoRaWAN network for the urban and surrounding areas of Coburg to make environmental and city monitoring possible.


Government 3.0: using monitoring for next-generation government IT

Read about how the so-called Government 3.0 is beginning to shape the future of government IT in times where administrative and business process management, the Internet of Things, big data, blockchain, and sophisticated monitoring are all driving public sector innovation.


Free white paper: The entire government IT infrastructure at a glance

This white paper introduces Paessler PRTG as a reliable solution for monitoring your government IT systems. Get an overview of how network monitoring can help overcome challenges with e-government operations and become a key component in government IT optimization.


Paessler PRTG

Start monitoring your government IT systems with PRTG and see how it will make your job easier as well as your network and the transfer of sensitive data more secure.