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Maps & Dashboards

Real-time overview with live status information

Easy to create
Build maps with the integrated drag & drop editor

Use custom HTML to create your own map objects

Easy to share
Publish maps for private or public access

Visualize your entire IT infrastructure
in one customizable dashboard

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Stay informed

Maps in PRTG show not only devices and connections, but also deliver information on their status. Detect problems in one glance and troubleshoot effectively, using maps as a primary source of information. 

To stay on track with the global status of your network, include Geo Maps to receive information live from anywhere around the world. Have your different maps rotate on one page and keep your eye on everything.

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The Map editor

Using the simple 'drag & drop' built-in map editor, all components monitored by PRTG can be integrated quickly and easily into clear network maps. By using custom HTML, multi-layer maps can be generated making it possible to drill-down through multiple layers.

Even adding external images or applets to your maps is no problem. This way, you can customize your maps just the way you want. You can even include weather or traffic information.

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How to share

Each map has a unique URL which you can use to link to the map.

Users who want to access the map will need an account in your PRTG installation. Alternatively they can access a public URL of the map if you allow the Public Access feature. Public maps contain a unique Map ID access key in the URL to block unwanted visitors.

Another great and easy way to show your maps directly inside other web pages is via IFRAME.

Basic Maps Tutorial

Watch this tutorial and learn how to set up a map within PRTG. To start with your map, use the icons that represent the different devices, groups and sensors in your network and its connections. Soon you'll have a perfect overview of each components' status within your network - all on one slide!

These are just some examples
of what your maps will look like


Where can I get more information?


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Video Tutorials

Learn how to use maps and other PRTG features in our video tutorials.

Watch one of our video tutorials >>


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PRTG Manual

Read a step by step explanation on how to use the maps feature within PRTG in our manual.

Read more about maps in our manual >>


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Knowledge Base

If you have specific questions, just ask the community in our knowledge base or search for questions other users had.

Find all questions and answers concerning maps >>



Network Monitoring Software - Version (June 26th, 2024)


Download for Windows and cloud-based version PRTG Hosted Monitor available


English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese


Up to 100 sensors for free (Price List)

Unified Monitoring

Network devices, bandwidth, servers, applications, virtual environments, remote systems, IoT, and more

Supported Vendors & Applications

cisco logo grey 40 dell logo grey 40 hp logo grey 40 ibm grey40 netapp grey40 linux grey40 aws grey40 windows grey40 vmware grey40 citrix grey40 exchange grey40 apache grey40 oracle grey40