Mastering the IoT with
Paessler and Skysens

The IoT – or even better, digitization – is a big topic of our time. In the commercial sector, digitization means cross-divisional processes, better controlling and predictive maintenance. It is based on data generated by the digitized environments that provide the necessary information. This can be temperature, humidity, and other environmental parameters, but also information on power consumption, pressure, localization, or acceleration. 

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Skysens for digitization

Skysens provides sensor technology that measures the required data and sends it to the Skysens APM (Agile Predictive Monitoring) platform. There, the data is evaluated, and the results are published. In the industrial environment specifically, Skysens provides the basis for retrofitting measures. The Skysens platform works with sensors and gateways from all leading manufacturers. Skysens sensors are either battery powered or work with power supply. They support numerous protocols such as Modbus RTU, IEC or RS232/484. Many Skysens sensors support LoRaWAN. All this allows maximum flexibility in the use of Skysens products.

PRTG for the overview

As a classic IT monitoring solution, PRTG keeps an eye on all IT components. In addition, PRTG supports numerous protocols and methods for digitized environments. Thanks to support for MQTT, OPC UA, Modbus and other protocols and standards, PRTG offers a complete overview of digitized environments and the IT infrastructure that is vital for the collection, transport, storage, and evaluation of data.


Mastering the IoT with PRTG and Skysens

Thanks to the simple integration of PRTG with the Skysens APM platform, managers maintain an overview of digitized environments and the associated IT infrastructure and processes. Skysens extends PRTG's capabilities in monitoring IoT environments, while PRTG facilitates IT monitoring and a holistic overview of both IT and IoT.

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IoT data collection and industrial retrofitting made easy with Skysens

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Securing underlying IT infrastructures and processes using PRTG

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Overview of cross-functional processes and IoT/IT environments in their entirety






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About Paessler AG

Since 1997, we offer monitoring solutions for businesses across all industries and all sizes, from SMB to large enterprises. Today, more than 500,000 users in over 170 countries rely on PRTG and other Paessler solutions to monitor their complex IT, OT and IoT infrastructures. We believe monitoring plays a vital part in reducing humankind's consumption of resources. Our products help our customers optimize their IT, OT and IoT infrastructures, and reduce their energy consumption or emissions – for our future and our environment.

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About Skysens

Skysens supplies physical sensors for recording environmental parameters. The sensors are primarily used in the IIoT environment for retrofitting older production plants/machines as part of digitalization. The data generated by the sensors is sent to the Skysens APM (Agile Predictive Monitoring) platform for evaluation. For this purpose, Skysens sensors support numerous protocols (Modbus RTU, IEC, RS232/484...) as well as LoRaWan. PRTG can retrieve data and information from Skysens APM via the Skysens API and use it to provide an overall view of the IT and OT infrastructure.

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