Programa de certificación
de Paessler

Hemos introducido el Paessler Certified Professional Program para dar a los profesionales de TI y de ventas la oportunidad de demonstrar su competencia en vender PRTG Network Monitor tanto como su capacidad de ofrecer servicios de consultoría o asistencia técnica a sus clientes.

Las certificaciones comprueban la competencia técnica y el conocimiento de licenciamiento de la
persona certificada. Nota: El test está disponible sólo en inglés.


ProgramA TEST Online FAQs 


badge certified sales professional 2024

Paessler Certified
Sales Professional 2024


Los profesionales de ventas conocerán las características clave de PRTG y podrán recomendar el software correcto a sus clientes. Pueden ayudar a los clientes a identificar el tamaño de licencia que deberán poseer y sabrán cómo solicitar la licencia. También pueden ayudar a los clientes con las renovaciones de suscripción y las actualizaciones de licencia. Profesionales de ventas también tienen que demostrar el conocimiento técnico de las principales características de PRTG.

Para certificarse, usted tiene que aprobar una prueba en línea, que cuesta 50 euros.

¿Quisiera ver algunas preguntas antes de intentar la prueba?

Muestra de la prueba Paessler Certified Sales Professional (gratis)


badge certified monitoring expert 2024

Paessler Certified
Monitoring Expert 2024


Los Monitoring Experts tendrán un profundo conocimiento técnico de PRTG. Podrán hacer demonstraciones de PRTG a sus clientes y dar consultoría a los clientes que buscan la solución de monitorización adecuada. Monitoring Experts serán capaces de discutir opciones de arquitectura para proporcionar soporte de primer nivel a sus clientes. También podrán ayudar a los clientes a determinar la mejor licencia con base a sus requerimientos.

Para certificarse, usted tiene que pasar una prueba en línea, que cuesta 150 euros.

¿Quisiera ver algunas preguntas antes de intentar la prueba?

Muestra de la prueba Paessler Certified Monitoring Expert (gratis)



Online Test




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How much do the online tests cost?

The Paessler Certified Sales Professional test costs €50.

The Paessler Certified Monitoring Expert test costs €150.

How can I pay for a test?

We accept payment by PayPal and credit card. Kindly note that no additional registration is necessary.

Will I get a receipt for the test?

Yes, you will receive a receipt via email right after you purchased a test or training.

Can I use external resources?

Yes, the Paessler tests are “open book”.  You may use all online resources including our website, that you'd like.

We strongly recommend having a PRTG installation running during the test to check specific settings or options, especially when working on the Monitoring Expert test.

All Paessler’s certifications are online and, as such, rely on the honor system to prevent abuse. We trust that you’ll answer the questions yourself, and that the name you give us for the certificate is correct.

How many questions are on the test? How much time do I have to complete the test?

The Paessler Certified Sales Professional test consists of 40 questions.  The time limit is 60 minutes.

The Paessler Certified Monitoring Expert test consists of 55 questions.  The time limit is 90 minutes.

What types of questions are on the test?

All questions in this test are either single or multiple choice. The type of question will be indicated within the test. For multiple choice questions you must select all of the correct answers to receive full points for that question.

What is the passing mark?

The passing mark for both tests is 70%.

What if I lose my network connection during the test?

In case of network connection issues you can use your email address and password to log back into the test within 20 minutes. In case you experience further problems outside of the 20 minute time-frame, please contact us at [email protected].

How long is a certification valid? How can I re-certify?

Each certification is valid for two years, starting with the date you passed the test. To re-certify yourself after two years, simply take the test again.

Do I have to take a training course?

No, you are not required to participate in any training courses before taking these tests. However, we do recommend a training course before starting the Paessler Certified Monitoring Expert exam.

What is the best way for me to prepare for my exam?

For a structured self-paced training please see the following link:    

Additional help can be found here:

How many attempts do I get?

You will have a single attempt. In order to take the test again, please contact us at [email protected].

In what languages are the tests available?

The tests are only available in English.

Do I receive something from Paessler when I pass a test?

After you passed the test you will be able to download the PRTG Certificate and Logo. We will also send you a confirmation email which will include your certificate, logo and exam result. You are allowed to use the Certificate and Logo as proof of your qualification.

Why do I need to enter my name and address during the registration process?

Please enter your full name, company and email address in order to receive a personalized certificate once you have passed the test.

The name and address information you enter here will not be used by Paessler for any purpose other than administering these tests. We will not pass on your information to any third parties. You will not be registered for any mailing lists.

Paessler Privacy Policy

Who should I contact if I have problems or questions?

If you face any insecurities or doubts while working on the test, you can contact the Paessler Training Team at [email protected] for any problem or question. We are happy to assist.

Does my entire company profit from the certification?

Sure. According to the Paessler partner program you are required to obtain certain certifications in order for your company to reach the next partner level. However, the certifications are tied to one person only, meaning if the certified person leaves the company, the certification is gone as well.



Still questions?

If you have any other questions about Paessler's certification program,
please contact [email protected].