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How to completely uninstall
PRTG from your system


1. Uninstall PRTG Network Monitor


Open the Windows Start menu (numbered circle 1) and click All apps (numbered circle 2).


In the apps list, scroll down to the letter P and click PRTG Network Monitor to open a dropdown menu with more options (numbered circle 1).


Click Uninstall PRTG Network Monitor (numbered circle 2).


Confirm the Windows User Account Control with Yes to allow the program to uninstall.


In the PRTG Network Monitor Uninstall dialog, click Yes to confirm that you want to completely remove PRTG from your system.


Wait while PRTG is removed.


To complete the uninstallation of PRTG, your system needs to restart.

Click Yes to confirm the system restart.


Optionally, fill out an online form via our Leaving so soon? web page that opens automatically in your browser.


2. Remove all PRTG-related data files

After you restarted your system, PRTG is removed. There are still some custom data files in the PRTG data directory, however, that you need to delete manually.


Open the Windows (C:) drive in the Windows Explorer (numbered circle 1).


Switch to the View tab (numbered circle 2).


To be able to see the ProgramData folder, make sure that the check box next to Hidden items is enabled (numbered circle 3).


Double-click the ProgramData folder (numbered circle 4).


Scroll down to and double-click the Paessler folder.


Delete the PRTG Network Monitor folder by pressing the Del key.


3. Uninstall the Npcap component

When you install PRTG, a component called Npcap is also installed on your system. After the uninstallation of PRTG, you need to manually uninstall Npcap.


Open the Windows Start menu and click Settings.


On the Windows Settings page, select Apps.


On the Apps & features page that opens, scroll down to and click Npcap OEM to view more actions (numbered circle 1).


Click Uninstall (numbered circle 2).


Confirm the Windows User Account Control with Yes to allow the Npcap component to uninstall.


In the Npcap Uninstall dialog, click Uninstall and wait until the uninstallation process is finished.


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