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December 11th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • Changed [Sensors]: The new Windows WMI/Performance Counters hybrid sensors are not shown as "beta" any more
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: The Cisco System Health sensor did not show voltage values
  • Bugfix [Core]: New geographical locations could not be resolved (the external geocoding API, which is used by PRTG, has changed)
  • Bugfix [Core]: Added compatibility for Windows Server Manager 2012; it does not show PRTG application warnings any more
  • Minor fixes and improvements

December 5th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • New [Sensors]: Added several new sensors
    • New sensors for HP ProLiant servers, Dell servers and Cisco systems
    • New sensors for Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (MSCVMM)
    • New sFTP sensor
    • New WMI SQL Server 2012 sensor
    • New SSH Script Avanced sensor
    • Migration of various WMI-only sensors to Hybrid Windows sensors (seamlessly use performance counters instead of WMI wherever possible to minimize the load on system resources and CPU)
  • New [Core]: Features to support MSP environments and automated multi user setups
  • New [API]: User Access Rights can now be set via API call
  • Improved [Core]: Updated translation for Spanish, French, Brazilian, Chinese
  • Improved [Sensors]: SNMP Disk Free sensor can now handle very big file systems
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: Improved NetApp Enclosure Sensor detection
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: NetApp System Health Sensor did not show data in some cases
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: Some WMI sensors did not show error messages
  • Bugfix [EC]: Several fixes and improvements
  • Numerous other changes, improvements, and bugfixes as well as improved texts and translations

November 20th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • Bugfix [Sensors]: Xen sensors created debug log files in /windows/system32 folder (file pattern "xen[18digits].xml", please remove files manually)
  • Bugfix [Webinterface]: Fixed a minor XSS security leak
  • Updated french translation

November 15th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • Bugfix [Core]: Geomaps did not work properly in iPRTG
  • Bugfix [EC]: Error message "EOF violates protocol" in Enterprise Console
  • Bugfix [Core]: 64 bit core server did not work with license for c't readers
  • Bugfix [Webinterface]: On 64bit systems the channel list in a sensor's "Channels" tab could be empty
  • Several minor fixes and improvements

November 7th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • Improved [Core]: Updated translation for Spanish, French, Chinese
  • Bugfix [Autodiscovery]: Subnet auto-discovery did not work correctly with 64bit core server
  • Several minor fixes and improvements

October 24th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • New [Core]: The 64bit PRTG Core Server will be installed on 64bit Windows systems with at least 6 GB RAM (see https://www.paessler.com/blog/2012/08/20/prtg/prtg-goes-64bit); for systems not meeting this requirement the 32bit core server will be installed.
  • New [Sensors]: Added new "hybrid" sensors (experimental). These new sensors replace the respective WMI sensors. For better performance, they try to use Windows "Performance Counters" to query data from the target system and use WMI only as fallback.You can preselect the usage of WMI or performance counters in the device settings.
    • New: Hyper-V Virtual Storage Device BETA
    • New: Windows Pagefile BETA
    • New: Windows System Uptime BETA
    • Offer an alternative to WMI monitoring (can ease the load on the WMI system for installations with many WMI sensors)
    • Sensors use RPC for communications (less overhead than WMI) and require the "Remote Registry Service" to be enabled on the target systems, this is usually the case for Windows server products, but not for workstations.
  • New [Sensors]: Added sensor for HP ProLiant servers
    • New: SNMP HP ProLiant Network Interface
  • New [Sensors]: Added Sensors for NetApp SANs
    • New: SNMP NetApp License BETA: Shows remaining days of a NetApp license
    • New: SNMP NetApp Enclosure: Shows hardware values
  • New [Sensors]: Added sensors for hardware monitoring via SNMP (work for SNMP-enabled Windows and Linux systems as well as for the management software of hardware racks, e.g. Dell, HP, etc.)
    • SNMP Memory
    • SNMP Disk Free
    • SNMP CPU Load
  • New [Sensors]: Port Range Sensor scans a range or list of ports
  • New [Sensors]: WMI Custom String Sensor performs a custom WQL query and expects a string value as result
  • Improved [Libraries]: PRTG now comes with several pre-configured libraries: They show all bandwidth sensors, all CPU sensors, all memory sensors, all VMware sensors, etc.
  • Improved [Remote Probes]: Optimized sequences in Remote Probe installer and improvements for Remote Probe auto-update
  • Improved [EC]: Optimized user session management as well as various improvements and bugfixes for the Enterprise Console
  • Improved [Notifications]: New placeholder %commentsprobe can now be used in notifications (see https://www.paessler.com/knowledgebase/en/topic/373)
  • Improved [Translations]: Many changes to the translations: DE, FR, NL, BR, JP
  • Improved [Sensors]: XenServer sensors optimized for performance
  • Improved [Sensors]: Cisco IP SLA Sensor now shows additional values (channels) (existing sensors won't be changed)
  • Improved [Sensors]: SSH Remote Ping sensor now allows you to enter custom parameters
  • Improved [Sensors]: All NetApp sensors now also work with SNMP v1
  • Improved [Sensors]: FTP Sensor can now write results to disk (for debugging)
  • Improved [Sensors]: In the XML returned by EXE/Script (Advanced) sensors you can now define warning and error limits as well as custom warning and error messages
  • Improved [Installation]: Improved the startup code for Remote Probe installer and uninstaller
  • Changed [Sensors]: In the XML returned by EXE/Script (Advanced) sensors the sensor message length (<text>) is now limited to 2000 characters
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: XenServer sensors stopped receiving data in specific situations
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: SSH Disk Free Sensor could show incorrect percentage values and returned wrong values for AIX systems
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: WMI Custom Sensor did not show correct message in specific situations
  • Bugfix [Core]: A PRTG core server installation could provoke warning messages in Windows Server 2012 Server Manager
  • Bugfix [Webinterface]: Main menu did not show all available items for large configurations (limitations still apply within the "Devices | Group View" sub menu; please navigate through the device tree instead to see all available groups)
  • Bugfix [Core]: SMS messages were always cut off at 150 chars
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: Auto-discovery could not detect APC UPS devices
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: Fixed memory leak in http sensors
  • Bugfix [Core]: Fixed "Cannot locate protected program data" error message
  • Bugfix [Webinterface]: Trigger settings were broken for xflow sensors with inherited triggers
  • Bugfix [Webinterface]: Fixed an 'Operation not allowed on sorted List' error which occured in special cases
  • Tree version update: The configuration file of this version is not downwards compatible with previous PRTG versions.
  • Many other bugfixes and improvements to the core, web interface, and cluster

October 16th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • Bugfix: [Sensors] Fixed a memory/handle leak in http sensors

September 30th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • New: [Core]: Language Brazilian Portuguese
  • New [Sensors]: Added Sensors for NetApp SANs
    • New: SNMP NetApp Disk Free Sensor
    • New: SNMP NetApp System Health Sensor
    • New: SNMP NetApp I/O Sensor
    • New: SNMP NetApp Network Interface
  • New [Sensors]: Added Sensor Family „Performance Counters" BETA (experimental). Please give us feedback on these sensors!
    • New: Performance Counter CPU Sensor
    • New: Performance Counter Memory
    • Offers an alternative to WMI monitoring (can ease the load for installations with many WMI sensors)
    • Sensors use RPC for communications (less overhead than WMI) and require the "Remote Registry Service" to be enabled on the target systems, this is usually the case for Windows server products, but not for workstations.
  • New [Sensors]: Added sensors for monitoring Dell server hardware
    • New: SNMP Dell PowerEdge Physical Disk Sensor
    • New: SNMP Dell PowerEdge System Health Sensor
  • Improved [Core]: PRTG web server can now run on https (SSL) on a user specific port (other than 443)
  • Improved [Sensors]: In the XML returned by EXE/Script (Advanced) sensors you can now specify the encoding
  • Improved [Sensors]: WMI Service sensor can now write results to disk (for debugging)
  • Improved [Autodiscovery]: Optimized discovery of SNMP RMON sensors
  • Changed [Core]: Internet Explorer 10 (Windows 8/2012) can now be used to access the PRTG Ajax web interface
  • Changed [Sensors]: SSH Port settings has been moved to the device settings (and can be overridden in the sensor settings, if necessary)
  • Changed [Sensors]: The Windows Scheduled Task sensor now can monitor systems running on Windows 2003
  • Bugfix [Core]: Double spaces (e.g. in object names) were removed from the configuration
  • Bugfix [Core]: Geo maps were not shown in Mobile Web GUI in some cases
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: WMI Windows Security Center Sensor did not work with Microsoft Defender anti-malware
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: IP on DNS Blacklist sensor rejected DNS zones like zen.spamhaus.org and did not show a warning in case it found an IP on a blacklist
  • Bugfix [Reports]: Dropdown list could show empty lines in some cases
  • Bugfix [Cluster]: Schedules did not work on all failover clusters
  • Bugfix [Core]: Saving device templates did not work in some cases
  • More than 100 other bugfixes and improvements as well as an updated manual

August 27th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • New [Cluster]: Users can now select which cluster nodes are used to monitor a specific group/device (e.g. when not all cluster nodes can connect to a subnet or VPN)
  • New [Sensors]: MS Exchange Transport Queue Sensor
  • New [Sensors]: Added a third option to the HTTP Full Page sensors. With this new third option you can enable screenshotting of each sensor run. You can either save only the latest screenshot, or each screenshot of this sensor. The image files will be stored on the probe system (user can set the number of days until the files are purged, creates a lot of data on the disk). This option needs plenty of CPU cycles and should not be used too heavily.
  • New [WebGUI]: Added an experimental feature that allows a user inside the WebGUI to install a remote probe on a Windows device in the sensor tree (Context menu of devices, device tools, install remote probe). The remote probe is automatically installed and configured. Afterwards it will show up at the bottom of the sensor tree and the user must approve the probe. Then sensors can be set up as usual. This is a great way to circumvent WMI or other connectivity problems by running sensors directly on the device.
  • Improved [Core]: When Active Directory integration is used all requests to the AD servers are now cached for one hour. Before this caching was implemented large and/or slow AD environments could potentially slow down PRTG’s user interfaces. If a password is changed in the AD you must either wait for 1h or clear the cache manually (on the status page).
  • Improved [Graphs]: Graphs now display the applied averaging interval at the bottom right
  • Improved [Sensors]: Added timestamp into emails of email round trip sensors
  • Improved [Sensors]: SNMP Custom String now supports RegExp
  • Improved [Sensors]: When devices need extensive time to answer WMI requests the sensor will be labeled “sluggish” because these sensors can actually affect the performance of the complete WMI system for all devices. We recommend to either install a probe directly on these devices or at least move these sensors to a dedicated probe
  • Changed [Sensors]: The Windows Scheduled Task sensor now supports tasks in sub folders. Note: When monitoring target systems which run Windows 2003 or Windows XP, the sensor might stop working under certain conditions.
  • Improved [Remote Probes]: More stability for Remote Probe connections
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: Windows Print Queue Sensor now accepts ‘Min. Print Job Age’ setting
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: HTTP sensors could show a false "302 moved temporarily" for some websites
  • Bugfix [Core]: For connections to the Enterprise Console via Active Directory logins a session timeout could occur
  • Bugfixes: Various bugfixes for the EC, core, sensors and probe

July 29th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • New [Sensors]: WMI HDD Health sensor (supports local and remote SMART monitoring via WMI). Note: The old HDD Health sensor is now deprecated. It was based on local API access to SMART technology and was only available on probe devices
  • New [Sensors]: SSH Script sensor (allows you to run a custom script on a Mac OS X/Linux/Solaris system and send back results as sensor values)
  • New [Sensors]: Dell PowerVault MDi Sensor (monitors DELL MD3000(i) SANs)
  • New [Sensors]: SNMP Cisco ADSL Sensor (monitors the line quality of ADSL connections of a Cisco router)
  • New [Sensors]: SSH Remote Ping Sensor (performs Ping requests on a remote machine)
  • New [Notifications]: Added sample custom notifications (EXE and BAT)
  • New [Core]: Proxy support for various Core Server functions: Auto update, geo map tile proxy, activation, http notifications, SMS text message notifications (set this up in the "System & Website" settings).
  • New [Auto-Update]: When the auto-update fails, the ToDo email to the admin contains the respective log files as attachments
  • Improved [Sensors]: Blacklist sensor, Print Queue sensor, FTP Sensor, WMI Vital sensor, WMI Service sensor, QoS sensors, and many more
  • Improved [Sensors]: Toplist Visualizations
  • Improved [Webserver]: Map refresh for public maps doesn't blank the screen upon reload
  • Improved [Sensors]: IMAP sensor now displays the number of emails in the mailbox as a channel
  • Various minor improvements for the WebGUI, Core Server, Enterprise Console, and manual

July 19th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • Bugfix: Added a workaround for a browser bug that was introduced with Firefox 14.0.1 yesterday (FF14 currently can not display curved texts in PRTG's sunburst views of the device tree)
  • Bugfix: In the "SNMP Compatibility Options", the "Overflow Values" option did not work as expected (functionality was reversed). We corrected this. From now on, "Ignore overflow values" will actually ignore overflow values, whereas "Handle overflow values as valid results" will show the (possibly incorrect) value reported by the device. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this bug! For more details, please see our knowledge base article. 
  • Note: We recommend using SNMP v2 if supported by your devices, in order to generally avoid 32bit counter overflows altogether. In the "Credentials for SNMP Devices" section of the PRTG device representing your switch or router, set the SNMP Version to "v2c". Then, please add your SNMP sensors anew. Existing sensors will continue to use the former SNMP version setting. Historic data cannot be transferred to the new sensors, but you can pause the old sensors to keep their data.

June 28th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • Bugfix: During an update from V9 to V12 custom SSL certificates of the web server were not migrated properly (only if autoupdate was used)
  • Updated manual

June 20th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • Workaround [Sensors]: Some users experienced elevated WMI delays and gray sensors throughout their installations. After intensive investigation we found that new functionality inside the WMI Service sensor caused these effects - but only in very few situations/networks. The new features are now disabled by default and we recommend all users to upgrade to version 12.2.2. We will further investigate the root cause.
  • Bugfix [Core]: "Acknowledge" an alarm did not override previous "Acknowledge Until"
  • Bugfix [WebGUI]: Sunburst view did display properly on Firefox 13
  • New [WebGUI]: Maximum zoom level of geomaps can now be set in customerscript.js: _Prtg.Core.objects.geomapMaxZoomLevel = 19;
  • Several bugfixes and improvements

June 6th 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • Improved [Core]: Each sensor now requires less RAM memory on PRTG core server.
  • Changed [Sensor]: FTP Sensor now regards "unknown command"  and "bad sequence of commands" not as an error
  • Bugfix [Core]: Interfaces could show splash screen with wrong maintenance status (after installing this version, please wait 24 hours for correct display)  
  • Bugfix [EC]: Fixed issue with 'viewpoints'
  • Bugfix [Sensor]: Some WMI sensors showed permanently gray (black) sensors
  • Bugfix [Sensor]: HTTP Sensors now better handles redirects
  • Bugfix [Sensors]: WMI Service sensor: Service restart could cause problems
  • Several bugfixes and improvements

May 23rd 2012 - Version [Stable]

  • Bugfix: Some customers using multibyte languages experienced scrambled object names
  • Bugfix: French translation of PRTG did not work for some users
  • Bugfix: Some customers using Active Directory integration had login problems
  • Bugfix: Postdata in http transaction sensors did not work properly
  • Bugfix: VMware metascan with improved timeout management
  • Bugfix: File sensors support wildcards (as in version 9)
  • Bugfix: Geomaps did not work in the mobile interface
  • Updated manual and several minor fixes

May 9th 2012 - Version (New Major Version)

News and Changes

  • New Build, delivery, and test system as well as "Continuous Rollout"
    • We have redesigned our development, build, and delivery process completely
    • This allows us to deliver new features and bug fixes faster and with short release cycles while maintaining maximum stability and reliability
    • User can choose between different channels: "Stable", "Preview", and "Canary"
    • See blog entry: Version 12 of PRTG will introduce "Continuous Rollout"
  • Simplified installation and the new „ Configuration Guru"
  • WebGUI Design „Facelift"
  • Toplist Visualizations display the observed traffic pattern in a beautiful and easy to understand graph
    • Note: TopTalkers is now more detailed
  • Improved and interactive geo maps
    • PRTG now supports several map data providers
      • Map Quest (free) - This is our recommended option
      • Nokia Maps (free service)
      • Cloud Made (free service, API key required)
      • Google (using the static maps API (like in PRTG 9), free service, API key required)
    • You can now position the markers on the maps manually with the mouse or by entering an address or by entering geo coordinates
    • You can now zoom and move the maps
    • There are no limitations for the number of markers on a map any more (except for potentials performance limitations with hundreds of markers or more)
    • See blog entry: Introducing the New Geo Maps of PRTG 12
  • Sensors
    • Application Sensors
      • New: VMware Host Server Health Sensor monitors the health of a VMware host server via SOAP. It will show an overview of your host servers' states, just as known from the vCenter console ("green" / "warning" / "error").
      • New: WMI Sharepoint Process Sensor monitors a sharepoint process via WMI
      • New: WMI IIS Application Sensor (monitors TotalBytesReceived, TotalBytesSent, TotalGetRequests, TotalPostRequests, TotalAnonymousUsers, TotalFilesReceived/Sent, and other metrics of IIS, using WMI)
    • Hardware Sensors
      • New: SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Connections Sensor (monitors the active VPN connections on a Cisco ASA firewall via SNMP)
      • New: SNMP Cisco ASA VPN Traffic Sensor (monitors the traffic of permanent VPN IPsec connections via SNMP) and alerts if a connection is not established
      • New: Fritz!Box WAN Interface Sensor (monitors the popular AVM internet access router for SOHOs and small businesses in Europe)
    • New: Google Analytics Sensor (gets traffic data for a website from Google Analytics, makes it easy to use this data in PRTG's maps, e.g. for office dashboards)
    • New: WMI Remote Ping Sensor (measures PING times from a remote computer)
    • New: SIP Options Ping Sensor (monitors whether a SIP server (e.g. VoIP telephony system) will accept a call and will be able to forward it to the next hop); the sensor will show an error if the device does not accept calls or if the device is not able to route calls)
    • New: Xen Host Sensor. Monitors CPU, memory, and network usage, as well as other vital system parameters on XEN hosts.
    • Rewrite: Amazon Cloudwatch Sensor (monitors instances of EC2, EBS, RDS DB, ELB, SNS, SQS, ElastiCache in the Amazon AWS Cloud)
    • Rewrite: Xen Virtual Machine Sensor. Monitors CPU, memory, and network usage, as well as other vital system parameters of Xen virtual machines.
    • Rewrite: SMTP Sensor now automatically supports TLS
    • Improved Active Directory Integration (among others PRTG will now get the email address of new users from the active directory, when the AD integration is used)
    • Improved: IMAP Sensor can now be used to monitor backup processes and other scheduled processes by looking for specific emails (e.g. by topic) in a mailbox and checking that the most recent email is not older than x days
    • Improved: SSH sensors now support Solaris 9 and 10
    • Discontinued: old VMware Host sensors must be manually replaced with new versions
    • Discontinued: old XEN server sensors must be manually replaced with new versions
  • Enterprise Console
    • Improved: Now covers about 90% of WebGUI functionality
  • Other changes
    • Improved web server security
    • PRTG now handles all strings internally as UTF-8 (including web server and emails), this means that you can now mix different languages, charsets and single-byte as well as double-byte strings inside one installation
    • Tree version update: The configuration file of this version is not downwards compatible with previous PRTG versions.